October 26, 2018 - Tomahawk Cleans and Lines Watermains in Sherbrooke, Quebec
Pre-Project Condition:
This project contained 500m of 150mm (6”) ductile iron pipe on two residential streets. The pipes were highly tuberculated resulting in very low pressure, flow rates and chlorine residuals.

Pictures: Above left, cleaning and lining watermains in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Above right, initial internal condition of highly restricted, low flow watermain.
Project Details
Location: Rues Blanchard and Brouillette, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Tomahawk Licensee: Logistique Saint-Laurent Inc., Gilbert Group, Chicoutimi, QC
Pipe Size, Material: 150mm (6"), ductile iron
Total Length: 500m with 49 residential service connections
Pipe Age: Approximately 50 years
Cleaning Technology: Tomahawk™ System
Lining Technology: Tomahawk airborne lining, BluKote™
Results: The residents on these streets are now enjoying renewed water flow rates and pressure. The C-factor improved from a low of 15 to a high of 111, representing a 740% improvement. Chlorine residuals also improved resulting in higher quality drinking water. The pipe’s useable life has been extended by decades.

Pictures: Above left, watermain before cleaning, center, after cleaning with Tomahawk, right, after lining with Tomahawk BluKote™.
For more information about Tomahawk cleaning and lining, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-800-267-9810.