August 25, 2020 – Envirologics CEL (Clean, Evaluate and Line) of Watermain in Boucherville, Quebec
Pre-Project Condition:
This project contained 94m of 150mm (6”) ductile iron pipe. The pipe was highly tuberculated resulting in lower water pressure and flow rates. Also, a remaining wall thickness evaluation was conducted to determine the pipe’s remaining structural properties.

Above, performing RFEC evaluation of watermain in Boucherville, Quebec.

Above, Raw evaluation or remaining wall thickness data of pipe using the Envirologics Detective RFEC probe.
Project Details
Location: Rue Jacques le Tessier, Boucherville, Quebec
Envirologics Licensee: Logistique Saint-Laurent Inc., Gilbert Group, Chicoutimi, QC
Pipe Size, Material: 150mm (6"), ductile iron
Total Length: 94m with 7 residential service connections
Pipe Age: Approximately 55 years
Cleaning Technology: Envirologics Tomahawk™ System
Lining Technology: Envirologics airborne lining, BluKote™
Pipe Wall Thickness Evaluation Technology: Envirologics Detective™ RFEC probe
Results: The residents on this street are now enjoying renewed water flow, pressure and quality. The pipe’s useable life has been extended by decades.

Pictures: Above left, watermain before cleaning, center, after cleaning with Tomahawk, right, after lining with BluKote™.
For more information about the Envirologics suite of pipe rehab technologies, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-800-267-9810.